July 07, 2023
Arckit Gets Thumbs up from School Principal
Since we conducted an Arckit workshop with Willow Park Junior School in Blackrock Co. Dublin some months ago, the Sixth Form students have been collaborating with our architectural model building platform to study renewable energies, 3D modelling, spatial layout and lots more besides in their 'project based', student lead classrooms.

School Principal Mr. James Docherty WP JS said,
"We had a fantastic time in Willow Park Junior School with Sixth Form designing, displaying and presenting their Arckit homes last week. The Boys were fully engaged and really interested in using the 3D models along with looking at renewable forms of energy, floor space and insulation along with presenting their designs to the whole class. An excellent resource to use with schools across the country"

We believe that Arckit's method of 'hands on & learn by doing' approach can be instrumental in helping up-skill our next generation while teaching everything including sustainability, STEAM, the 5C's (collaboration, creativity, communication, critical and computational thinking), architecture, geography, climate and the environment...

Arckit ignites talent, sparks conversation, instills confidence and engages in a fun and meaningful way.

Today, with education and our world in unparalleled transformation, many institutions across the U.S., Canada and the UK , from primary to third level, are seeing the immense benefits Arckit can bring to their students in helping to prepare them for tomorrow.

If your school in Ireland or elsewhere is interested in making Arckit's unique platform and curriculum based lesson plans accessible to your students, we'd love to hear from you. Contact info@arckit.com and we'll respond promptly.